Making Fire
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Mark Welsh, of Dakota heritage, tells a story he remembers about the origin of fire being at Ohio's Flint Ridge.
Circle of Life
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Shawnee Chief Frank Wilson talks about walking the medicine wheel of life with its four gateways.
The Serpent Path
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Shawnee Chief Frank Wilson describes how Serpent Mound can be associated with a path to spiritual enlightenment.
Turtle Pipe
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Inspired by one of the effigy smoking pipes from Mound City, Delaware (Lenape) storyteller Annette Ketchum tells a story from her tribe about the importance of the turtle.
Native Preservation
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Miami tribal official Julie Olds emphasizes the need to preserve and educate people about earthwork sites: for native people and for all people.
NAGPRA and Respect
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Miami tribal official Julie Olds discusses the still-open questions of which ancient things should be let alone, and which ones shown as part of Native patrimony.
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In modern Native traditions the moon is central to timekeeping and ceremonies, and is often understood as female.
World Renewal
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Archaeologist DeeAnne Wymer explains why some Hopewell deposits suggest the traditional ceremonies of world renewal, still celebrated by many Native American tribes.
Coffee Cups and Cakes
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Historian Roger Kennedy tells the story of Worthington hosting Tecumseh and his colleagues for coffee and cakes at the Adena estate.
Logan Elm, Chief Logan
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In 1775, Chief Logan's famous speech was delivered near Circleville, Ohio, encapsulating the tragedy of white-Indian relations in the Ohio country.
Miami Fort
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Miami Fort is located in Shawnee Lookout Park, a reminder of the Indians who were forced east by the Indian Removal Act of 1830.